OpenAI's Video Generator

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Welcome to our Friday edition!

In today’s menu:

  • AI Inspiration Quote

  • OpenAI Just new video generator

  • AI Movie Weekend

  • Byte Sized news

  • Cool Free AI Tool

  • AI Meme of the Day

 Reading time: 6 minutes



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OpenAI Just new video generator

Sora, OpenAI’s text-to-video model. Sora can make videos up to a minute long, keeping the visuals clear and following the user's instructions. This AI creates short videos that look super real.

Even though OpenAI just announced Sora, it's still being tested to make sure it won't make bad or inappropriate stuff. Only a few artists and filmmakers are trying it out to give feedback.

AI Movie Weekend

"TAU" is a science fiction thriller movie. It's about a woman named Julia who gets kidnapped by a tech genius who locks her in a high-tech house controlled by an AI named Tau. Julia befriends TAU as she tries to escape. It's a suspenseful story with twists and turns.


Top Rated AI Tools

Intent by Upflowy: Turn your leads' browsing behavior into AI summaries

Studio Neiro AI: Scale your marketing videos with AI avatars

ChatAvatar: Text and image to 3D avatar

Playable Maker: Elevate ads, engage audiences: delivering impact

Klever Suite 1.0: One workspace for all your projects, tasks & Wiki docs


Smaller AI companies' stock went up on Thursday because Nvidia, said it owns some of their shares. This shows Nvidia's growing importance in AI, making it the third most valuable U.S. company.

Apple is testing new smart features for its Xcode software that helps people make apps. They might let other developers use them this year. They're also thinking about using AI in things like making playlists in Apple Music or making slideshows in Keynote.

Cool AI Tool

You’ve all kind of tools from yesterday so far.

You can generate images, make videos, make all kind of stuff.

But this AI tool turns your drawing into a moving characters.

Next time your child hand you their drawing, you can surprise them with this tool.

Tip: Don’t try it with human pic, it looks ridiculous.




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